The aim of the Evaluation Unit is to provide more coherence, quality and visibility to the work carried out by the FCCD in Catalonia, the rest of Spain, Europe and the countries of the South where we operate. The FCCD Evaluation Unit aims to provide content for the construction of an ad-hoc evaluation system for decentralized municipal cooperation.

The Evaluation Unit is articulated in the different Working Committees of the FCCD and the Geographic Areas, through the incorporation of the strategy of quality and effectiveness of the aid as a transversal axis to the practices implemented and managed from the FCCD. Under the principle of appropriation of the culture of evaluation by the partner councils and the development of capacities of evaluation and construction of knowledge, the joint work in the preparation of the evaluation processes and the field work with personnel of the areas of America and Africa, Mediterranean and Asia of the FCCD and partner councils has been fomented.

Since 2008, 30 assessments have been conducted in Central and South America, the Caribbean, Mexico, North Africa, West Africa and Asia. All assessments are focused on accountability to the public administrations involved and the public and on the sense of learning and lessons learned.