Assessment unit

The Evaluation Unit is articulated in the different Working Committees of the FCCD and the Geographic Areas, through the incorporation of the strategy of quality and effectiveness of the aid as a transversal axis to the practices implemented and managed from the FCCD. Under the principle of appropriation of the culture of evaluation by the partner councils and the development of capacities of evaluation and construction of knowledge, the joint work in the preparation of the evaluation processes and the field work with personnel of the areas of America and Africa, Mediterranean and Asia of the FCCD and partner councils has been fomented.

Since 2008, 30 assessments have been conducted in Central and South America, the Caribbean, Mexico, North Africa, West Africa and Asia. All assessments are focused on accountability to the public administrations involved and the public and on the sense of learning and lessons learned.


Create: Thu, 03/11/2021 - 12:36
Author: joansola

The observatory has the double objective, the accountability of the management that the FCCD has been carrying out, and the analysis of the reality of the international cooperation of local bodies in Catalonia. It is based on the data provided by all Catalan public administrations, as well as those generated by the FCCD itself, making them available to the public, interested entities and institutions with the aim of facilitating research on cooperation in our country.

Technical Assistance to its partners

The institution offers its members a series of services in the field of cooperation and solidarity. With this booklet, they want municipalities that are not yet members to know the FCCD and value the possibility of joining.

  • General services: General services are aimed at all FCCD members and can be enjoyed by their membership. These are activities aimed at contributing to the optimization and impact of municipal cooperation, building a space of technical and political reference and reaffirming its position in the architecture of Official Development Assistance. These services are mostly funded through the annual membership fee.
  • Specific services: The FCCD provides a series of tools that seek to cover the specific needs of partners in the deployment of the entire cycle of projects, in the field or in Catalonia, while trying to ensure the inclusion of technical criteria in decision-making and the maximum transparency and objectivity in the implementation of this public policy, and contributing to its good management. Those partners who wish to use the technical services of FCCD for the execution of their own local public cooperation policy may do so if they pay the percentage stipulated on the reference budget managed in these actions.

Municipal Technical Cooperation

From the FCCD we have launched a work strategy focused on municipal technical cooperation with various tools available to all partner councils. At the request of the Municipalism Commission of the FCCD, and with the support of the Barcelona Provincial Council and Barcelona City Council, as strategic allies, a Municipal Technical Cooperation Program has been designed. It aims to highlight the role of municipalities as actors in international decentralized cooperation.

Technical cooperation makes it possible to transversalize different municipal departments and increase the added value of local cooperation. It is proposed to work to incorporate quality into the direct cooperation of Catalan councils, through the design and implementation of horizontal and reciprocal technical cooperation actions between local public institutions North-South, North-North and South-South.

Technical cooperation is an instrument of foreign policy and an auxiliary tool to promote the strengthening of capacities, institutionality and public policies, through specialized technical assistance provided by Catalan municipal technical staff. In front of the technical and monetary resources, this model of cooperation is based on the municipal technical areas and their capacities and abilities.

Cooperation network

In the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD), a body of the Generalitat de Catalunya responsible for managing development cooperation policies and humanitarian action.

In the Confederation of Cooperation and Solidarity Funds is a framework for the coordination and joint representation of the different Cooperation and Solidarity Funds existing in Spain in all those matters that affect their common interests.

In the Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia (FMC) —by agreement—, a plural association made up of municipalities and other local bodies of Catalonia, constituted for the defence and the promotion of the local autonomy.

In the Catalan Association of Municipalities and Counties (AMC) —it was by agreement—, the main voice of Catalan municipalism with more than a thousand members.

In United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), with more than 900 municipalities and cooperating bodies of the state, —as a member—, which wants to be the united voice and world representation of autonomous and democratic local governments, promoting their values, objectives and interests, through cooperation between local and regional governments, and to the wider community.

What is Fons Català

Institutionally, the FCCD is the Cooperation Agency of the municipalities of Catalonia and participates in local, state, European and global networks to give voice to the local world.

In April 2002 was declared Public Utility Entity, in recognition of the Fons' work and the transparency of its management. 


L'acció està dirigida a oferir suport emocional als nens i nenes, i a les famílies de refugiats pel conflicte que pateix des de fa anys Síria. La intervenció contempla desplaçar dos equips d'artistes de Pallassos sense Fronteres a la Vall de la Bekaa per oferir espectacles de pallassos i circ fonamentats en la comicitat a la infància refugiada.


FCCD initiates emergency and awareness campaigns and collaborates and disseminates other campaigns.